St. John Vianney, Priest

St. John Vianney, Priest
Jeremiah 30:1-2,12-15,18-22  +  Matthew 14:22-36 or Matthew 15:1-2,10-14
August 4, 2020

“If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.”

There are two options for this weekday’s Gospel Reading.  This reflection is based upon the latter option.

Jesus plainly criticizes the Pharisees in this Gospel Reading, calling a spade a spade.  Yet His words go beyond the first-century setting in which He lived.  His words offer us in the twenty-first century points for reflection regarding the need of fallen man for a Savior.

Throughout the history of the Church the Faith has been attacked in many different ways.  But every attack upon the Faith is, directly or indirectly, an attack upon the person of Jesus Christ.

One manner of attack upon Christ is the diminishment of what He accomplished for fallen man, and at the same time, an attack upon the uniqueness of His role in salvation history.  Fallen man cannot raise himself up by his own bootstraps, no matter how many good works he accomplishes and no matter how grand any of his accomplishments are.

Good works flow only through the power of God.  Salvation is only possible through the Self-sacrifice of Jesus Christ on Calvary.  Fallen man cannot save himself.  Only Jesus Christ can.  Our good works are the fruit of His Cross.

St. John Marie Vianney LARGE